Types of attibutes to use in a feed

When considering product attributes in the feed, it's essential to focus on four key aspects:

  1. Required attributes: Each product must have at least two attributes: title and URL. These must be included in the feed for every product, regardless of the tag names.

  2. Visual attributes: To display the desired product information in search results similar to the category listing, include visual attributes like product image, price, discounts, and various labels. Verify that all relevant information visible in the product tile is present in the feed, as some data might only show under specific circumstances.

  3. Behavioral attributes: Although not mandatory for rendering the product tile, behavioral attributes play a vital role in specific features associated with it.

    For instance, if the "Add to cart" button triggers an XHR request with the internal product ID, ensure this internal ID is included in the feed.

  4. Searchable attributes: Include all attributes necessary for your products to be found in searches.

    For example, if you want products to be searchable by EAN, include the product's EAN code in the feed.

Feel free to reach out to us for any other feed formats, including custom one. We are happy to review the data.

Choose a type of feed to review the list of recommended attributes: