Best practices for creating new feeds
✅ Format: We prefer XML or JSON feed format over CSV.
✅ Naming attributes: While we offer attribute title recommendations for feeds, feel free to name the attributes in a way that best suits your needs. We do not enforce a specific naming convention.
✅ Avoid using tag attributes: Instead of <product id="123">...
use <product><id>123</id></product>
✅ Keep the structure as flat as possible: while nesting tags is acceptable and often unavoidable, try to avoid using complex nesting if possible.
✅ Include all products: Make sure that the feed contains all products that you have, even those that are not in stock. If product is available via URL or on your website, it should be in the feed.
✅Include all categories: If a product is in multiple categories, make sure to add them all. You can add each category (or hierarchy) as a separate tag. Make sure that the primary category is marked with primary="true" attribute.
<category primary="true"><![CDATA[Apparel | Men | Shirts]]></category>
<category><![CDATA[Seasons | Summer | Shirts]]></category>
✅HTML tags wrapped inside CDATA directive: You can use HTML tags in the feed, however, they need to be wrapped inside a CDATA directive.<description><![CDATA[A nice & <strong>comfortable</strong> shirt.]]></description>
More information can be found in these guides: